Tuesday, April 3, 2012


 In a perfect world, I truly believe that if you eat a well balanced and healthy diet, you don't need to supplement. But most of us live in an imperfect world... and using supplements can make a difference in your health, energy levels and well being. Supplements can get spendy, but it's well worth the price if you diet is lacking. I have really noticed a difference in my sleep and mood since I've been taking Vitamin D. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so I don't see the sunshine enough. People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin. 

These are the supplements I take in the photo up above. Fish oil for overall mind and body health. Fish oil contains important omega-3 fatty acids that reduce risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease, combats depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, ADHD, and more! It helps with weight loss, fertility, pregnancy and skin care too! Biotin is very important for the metabolism. Biotin also known as vitamin H, is used to enhance skin growth, healthy hair, and strong nails. It can aid in losing weight by increasing energy. Vitamin D also promotes weight loss. Vitamin D boosts the immune system, and fights off viral infections. Vitamin D can protect against some cancers, increase calcium absorption, and stimulates cell differentiation. Multi vitamins are a good way to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. Ideally a healthy diet should be enough, but it's a good nutrition insurance policy.

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