Well now that I've got your attention, I'll give you my reasoning behind eating organic.
"Organic foods are those that are produced using environmentally sound methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives."
I know it's nearly impossible to consume solely organic fruits and vegetables, but it's definitely worth trying. My mother is the reason I started to eat organic fruits and vegetables... At first I didn't take her seriously and thought organic fruits and vegetables were too expensive. I was eating healthy, wasn't I already doing enough? Well finally my mom's numerous emails, forwarded articles and nagging kicked in.I'm so grateful that her relentless effort to inform me of the importance of eating organic finally registered! Maybe I might be able to have a little influence on your choices the next time you go grocery shopping.
Lot's of people bring up cost issues when buying organic comes into conversation. I totally understand how hard it is these days to try to budget and eat healthy, when organic produce runs about 20% more than conventional groceries. But I have to argue that your health is priceless. You might be saving money now, but you may be paying big time with medical bills and health complications in the future.
So, back to why I eat organic (or try to eat organic as much as possible) It isn't really about nutrition. Sure there have been studies that show organic produce to contain a higher percentage of antioxidants. My choice to eat organic is to avoid the scary chemicals and pesticides.
"The real reason to eat organic food is that the thousands of chemicals used to grow chemical foods are causing horrific health and environmental problems....multiple well-documented studies from reliable sources show that chemical pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and the GMO's used in chemically based food production, are implicated in, if not causing, the following health problems: diabetes, obesity, cancer, autism, Parkinson's disease, male sterility, genital deformities, female infertility, miscarriage, infant deformities, ADHD, hormonally caused gender confusion, asthma, allergies, accelerated aging, and smaller penises in boys, amphibians, and other wildlife.
Pretty scary right? Smaller penises? I'm sure every guy reading this is going strictly organic now! Hahaha, But in all seriousness, trying to eat organic isn't a bad decision when it comes to living a life free of health complications and disease.
If you have to cut costs, here is a list of the most important foods to eat organic:
1. Baby Food
2. Strawberries
3. Rice
4. Green and Red Bell Peppers
5. Milk
6. Corn
7. Bananas
8. Green Beans
9. Peaches
10. Apples
11. Cherries
12. Celery
13. Apricots and Grapes
14. Soybeans
15. Potatoes
16. Raisins
17. Cucumbers
Sources: Organic Manifesto by Maria Rodal http://www.amazon.com/Organic-Manifesto-Farming-Planet-World/dp/1605294853
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