I've been teaching a class called Silver and Fit for about 4 years. When I first started teaching fitness classes (about 12 years ago), I would of never imagined myself teaching an "older" adult fitness class. I lacked the patience, knowledge of how the body aged, and I suppose the interest in working with aging adults. Right when I started teaching Silver and Fit- I lost my Grandmother Mary. Being amongst this group of Seniors always made me think of her- and filled some of the void I felt from her loss. Now working with older adults has become
one of my main interests as I continue my career path. No class has given me the satisfaction, wisdom and overall awesome feeling I get after each and every class that I teach. These seniors are incredibly inspirational as they keep moving and working hard in every class. Everyone has their past and present injuries, aches and pains, and strengths and weaknesses- but they show up day after day- never complaining- just smiling and moving on. This is what I want to be in my 70's, 80's and 90's. Their quality of life is so much healthier and happier- they are able to be independent, strong, fight disease and prevent injuries from exercise.
My class has become somewhat of a family. We check up on each other- notice if someone is sick or hurt. We see each other for two hours a week- and although the exercise, stretching and strength training is important- the social aspect is just as important. Friendships have been built through these Senior classes- which is invaluable- especially for members who have lost their spouses along the way...
So this week has been bittersweet- we kept plugging away, lifting weights, stretching muscles, breaking a sweat- but we were without one. We lost a very special lady- Martha- who's positive smily attitude, aura and happy go lucky personality will be greatly missed. Martha hardly ever missed a day the last 4 years I've been teaching Silver and Fit ... she did what she could- never complaining about her aches and pains- and was always smiling. We dedicated our workout to her this morning, signed a card for her family and said goodbye till the next week- cause I suppose we gotta keep on moving on- that's what Martha would of wanted.
If you want to know more about the Silver and Fit program for seniors - check it out at:
one of my main interests as I continue my career path. No class has given me the satisfaction, wisdom and overall awesome feeling I get after each and every class that I teach. These seniors are incredibly inspirational as they keep moving and working hard in every class. Everyone has their past and present injuries, aches and pains, and strengths and weaknesses- but they show up day after day- never complaining- just smiling and moving on. This is what I want to be in my 70's, 80's and 90's. Their quality of life is so much healthier and happier- they are able to be independent, strong, fight disease and prevent injuries from exercise.
My class has become somewhat of a family. We check up on each other- notice if someone is sick or hurt. We see each other for two hours a week- and although the exercise, stretching and strength training is important- the social aspect is just as important. Friendships have been built through these Senior classes- which is invaluable- especially for members who have lost their spouses along the way...
So this week has been bittersweet- we kept plugging away, lifting weights, stretching muscles, breaking a sweat- but we were without one. We lost a very special lady- Martha- who's positive smily attitude, aura and happy go lucky personality will be greatly missed. Martha hardly ever missed a day the last 4 years I've been teaching Silver and Fit ... she did what she could- never complaining about her aches and pains- and was always smiling. We dedicated our workout to her this morning, signed a card for her family and said goodbye till the next week- cause I suppose we gotta keep on moving on- that's what Martha would of wanted.
If you want to know more about the Silver and Fit program for seniors - check it out at:
Martha was an amazing lady with a great attitude. Her life was well lived and that's the best we can hope for.