Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ass and Abs!

Once again here's another challenging workout with limited equipment. All you need for this one is a mat, a timer, some dumbbells and your BODY!

The breakdown of the workout is one min of each exercise with 15-20 seconds rest. After you complete one round, take a minute to two minutes to recover and then repeat. With warm up and cool down, this workout will take an hour to complete. Remember to push hard, focus on your form and try to do as much work with good form in the minute interval! This workout is a full body workout with a little extra emphasis on your abs and ass! I've included a video to explain the following exercises.

Warm up 5-10 minutes

1. Right Leg Reverse Lunge with Kick
2. Left Leg Reverse Lunge with Kick
3. Monkey Pushup with Tuck Jumps
4. Commando Pushups
5. Snow Boarders
6. Diagonal Plank in/out Jumps
7. One leg dumbbell row right side
8. One leg dumbbell row left side
9. Staggered pushups
10. Sumo Squat Pulses
11. Weighted sit up or Sit up to Squat
12. V-sit oblique twist or Bicycle crunch
13. Supaman Burpees
14. Alternating Leg Glute press in bridge
15. V-sit with 45 degree biceps curl
16. Right Single Leg Squat hop or touch
17. Left Single Leg Squat hop or touch
18. Shoulder Fan Dumbbell raise
19. Hip Thrust, leg drop, Toe touch, leg drop.....

rest one-two minutes


Cool Down and Stretch

If you have any questions or would like any modifications email me

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