Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 is just around the corner....

2012 is almost here! With the new year, comes new years resolutions. It's a good excuse to take the time out to sit down and write down some small, medium and big goals. If you write them down, and post them up to see everyday, you will be reminded of your dreams and desires. Don't be afraid of failure. Doing your best, and making an effort in whatever you desire, will definitely not do any harm! Setting small goals to reach a big goal is a great way to achieve your goals. Set out a game plan so that you have direction and write down the steps you will take to accomplish what you want. Baby Steps! :)

I have some of the same health and fitness goals I did in 2011, but here goes:

Goal: Run Portland Rock and Roll HALF Marathon in May
Steps to get there: Start training in March, running 3 times a week, (two short runs and one long run a week).

Goal: Do Pistols (yes I'm still working on these! So effing hard but I'll get them some day!)
Steps to get there: One leg squats, Assisted Pistols, Working on depth of my squat once a week.

Goal: Give up cream and sugar in my coffee
Steps to get there: Drinking my Coffee and Americanos black. Having a mocha or using creamer rarely on special occassions!

Goal: Get that six pack abs again! Which means lean down to 125. Lose 4 lbs of body fat.
Steps to get there: Continue with core training, making sure to stay challenged and doing a variety of exercises to strengthen core. Watch my diet a little more closely. Limiting alcohol consumption to 1-2 days a week and eating clean.

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