Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Inspirations and Goals

Having inspiration is extremely important if you want to achieve your goals and reach your potential. Before I begin a workout, I like to think about what my goal is for that particular workout and my overall goals in general. When I bring purpose to my workout, I'm more motivated, pumped and driven. I like to write my goals out and place them near my fridge- where I can see them everyday. I guess it kind of puts a little pressure on me, if they are visible for not only myself to read, but to friends and family that visit. I'm a true believer in goal setting, whether small or big, there's no better feeling than accomplishing something you have worked hard for. What are your goals? My goal this year is to run my first marathon, take a yoga class weekly and to do a one legged squat, starting with my butt on the ground. I'm honestly nervous about how I am gonna balance my marathon training with all of the classes that I teach, but it's a good challenge for me to learn how to take it a bit easier in my classes so I can avoid injury and overtraining. I'm finally at a mental place in my life, where I can slow down and enjoy a yoga class, it's just being disciplined with my time to squeeze it in. The one legged squat is gonna be tough, I'm nowhere close yet, but hey I've gotta start somewhere. If you are having a tough time staying consistent or motivated in your workouts create some goals for yourself. Make a few that are realistic to meet, and a few that are challenging. Also be specific in your goals. Instead of saying you want to lose 10lbs, think about what your game plan is. For example, running a 10k, competing in a triathlon, eating more vegetables, taking a dance class are all goals that will help you reach your target weight.

I've selected some inspiring photos of athletes that have motivated me as an athlete. It's apparently obvious they have worked hard to attain their athletic achievements and amazing physiques. Good luck with your journey, and don't forget, hard work and determination really do get you far!

Michael Jordan
Gabriel Reece
Serena Williams
Michael Phelps
Suzy Hamilton
Flo Jo
Brandi Chastain
Zusana from Bodyrock

Watch the video below to check out the one legged squats I mentioned!

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