Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Use it or Lose it... Time to be Proactive instead of Reactive

Wake up calls can be the catalyst to changing up unhealthy habits and lifestyles. Your doctor diagnoses you with diabetes, you have no choice but to exercise and watch your diet. You realize you can't walk up a flight of stairs without heaving and gasping for breath,  you know you need to quit your smoking habit. Maybe a family member has to go through extensive heart surgery, from high high blood pressure and clogged arteries, as a result of not exercising and eating unhealthy their whole life.  Maybe a friend's liver fails because they have been drinking heavily for the last 10 years... Maybe your lower back is aching all the time, and you injure it at work because your core is weak..... When your health begins to effect the quality of your  life, it can really be an eye opener, a game changer. Your health is priceless. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are unhealthy and weak, your quality of life will be poor.

But why wait until you get to that point? Start being proactive about your health now, before it's too late. It's selfish not to take care of your body. If you are a parent, you need to stay healthy to provide for your family and be a role model for your children. It's not fair to your  spouse or partner if you don't take pride in your health, your looks will diminish faster, you won't be a good lover, your life span will be shorter...  It isn't fair to your grand children, if you won't be able to play and enjoy a healthy life with your grand kids. It isn't fair to your family and friends that want to spend as much time on this planet with you as possible... You owe it to yourself and the people you love to treat your health with utmost importance.
Why wait until you get to the point of no return?

Don't be reactive and wait till you hit the absolute rock bottom! Be proactive about your health and the way you want to live out the rest of your life. Eat healthy, exercise, manage your stress, try to be the best human you can be, not only for yourself but for those that care about you. Don't wait until it's too late to do anything. It's tough to exercise when you are extremely overweight, don't let yourself get to that point! Strengthen your  body and core to prevent injuries! It's much tougher trying to get back to the gym or an exercise regimen  after a back or knee surgery. Quit smoking now, instead of waiting 10 years down the road, and seeing your skin and lungs health suffer.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life, it's never too late to make positive changes in your life.

If you are overweight, smoke, drink excessively,  addicted to drugs, sedentary, extremely stressed out-  you really need to give yourself a wake up call. Sometimes it's tough to admit it, but it will save you a hell of a lot of complications down the road if you make the changes NOW!  Not only can a unhealthy lifestyle  cost you lots of money on health care bills, it can cost you your life.

Answer the following questions honestly. I believe that these are bare minimum  physical fitness  requirements for any healthy adult. And with this I mean, BARE minimum....  If you can help it, don't ever let yourself get to the point of not being able to do the following in your adult years... I'll give you some slack after 70! :)

Can you  speed walk, jog, or run a mile without stopping? (  running 8-10 minute per mile, jogging should take 10-12 minutes, walking 12-15 minutes)

Can you do one pushup from your toes?  From the knees if you are a women?

Can you do one pull up? Can you hold your chin above a bar for 5-10 seconds if you are a woman?

Can you do bench step ups for 2 minutes without having to stop. ( just stepping up and down on a bench)

I'm not trying to be harsh, but if you cannot complete the exercises above, you are teetering at borderline... it's time to turn it around, before it's too late.

Being able to jog, climb stairs, push and pull your body weight are all functional movements to living a healthy and normal life. What if you fall down, and need to get up quickly in an emergency? What happens if you don't have the strength to push yourself up?  What if your child is hurt at the park, and you need to run 400 meters to get a first aid kit, and you don't have the stamina?  What if your kids want to play tag, and you can't keep up or don't have the energy? What if you are attacked, and you can't run away, or you can't pull yourself up from a fall? What if you can't pick up a package at work correctly by using your legs, and put your back out?  I'm not trying to scare you, but by being fit and strong, you have more power and control over situations in your life. It's a nice feeling when you feel capable in your body.

So the motto, "use it or lose it" is really is true. If you don't incorporate exercise in your daily routine, your muscles wills start to atrophy... you will get weaker and weaker. A body with lower muscle composition, has a slower metabolism, so not only are you getting weaker, it's much easier to gain weight. It can be a viscous cycle.  As the years go by, you get weaker and weaker, and pack on the pounds... who can honestly say that's how you want your life to be?

Start by making small steps in the right direction towards living healthier lifestyle. Most of us know how to live a healthy lifestyle, it's really taking the steps and actually implementing what you need to do that is the tough part. It can be frustrating working with 45, 50 year olds that waited their whole life to exercise and eat right. It's tough to undo all the previous unhealthy years. Make the changes in your 20's or early thirties, before your unhealthy habits catch up to you! But whatever age you are, taking the steps to controlling your health and exercise habits is the smartest move you can make.   Not taking responsibility for your health is selfish. The outcome of being unhealthy can negatively affect your family and friends. You owe it to yourself and the ones that love you.

Ok, I'll step off my soap box. That was my rant of the day!

Cheers to your health!

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