I see the same mistake happen day in and day out at the gym. People come to workout with the intent to do something with purpose, something worthwhile, something to make a positive change. The problem? Although they have all the best intentions in the world... they are treading water, not seeing results, not making the most of their time. I observe people coming in to work out, they are in a good mood usually, knowing that they are making an attempt to do something worthwhile and with meaning... but the second they hit the floor, a clueless expression hits their face. They look around at all the people lifting weights, doing classes, and wander into the cardio area.
"What are you gonna do today?"
"I think I'm just gonna do what I always do, maybe some cardio on the elliptical or treadmill and then abs, I don't know?"
Walking into a gym can be intimidating. There's lots of equipment, machines, gadgets, guys grunting, that can make your experience overwhelming. But this is no excuse to bee line it to the nearest elliptical, pop on your headphones and zone out for an hour on a few episode of Friends. Sure there's a few benefits to zoning out on cardio, it's a good stress reliever, great for a recovery workout, it lifts your spirits, and it's good for those who are just starting off. But most of us go to the gym for more... at least that's what I'm told when people come up to me asking questions and saying things like:
"How can I lose my belly?"
"I want to do 10 pushups from my toes, but I'm too weak to do even one!"
"I want to lose this last 10 lbs, but I just can't!"
"How can firm my butt?"
"I want to do a pull up!"
"I workout for an hour a day, why aren't I seeing results?"
"I'm trying to improve my 5k time from last year, what should I do?"
"How do you get a six pack?"
"I just had surgery on my knee, how can I get my strength back?"
Ask yourself, why do you workout? What is your purpose and intention when you come to the gym?
Here's my answer. I workout because it makes me feel better, I like to feel challenged. I love putting my body to the test, and pushing farther than I thought I could go. I like to feel and look fit, healthy and in shape. I like to feel like I'm getting stronger, faster, more flexible. I could go on and on... but you get the picture. We all have our reasons of why we exercise and workout, the point I'm trying to get to is that you must bring that purpose and intent with you to the gym, to every workout!
Before I head out to do my workout, I set aside a few minutes to think about the intention of my workout that day. If it's a strength day, I have my workout either printed out, written down or on my phone....
If it's one of my running days, I have my speed work planned, or my mileage/time goal set. If I'm trying to get in my cardio and strength at the gym, I have a HIIT, Tabata etc workout planned and mapped out. If it's a recovery workout, I decide on a light to moderate workout, and make time for stretching and using the foam roller, or doing some Yoga. My point is.... don't waste your time aimlessly when you get to the gym!
Have your game plan ready before you get to the gym!
What if you don't even know where to start in the first place? You've been doing the same thing for months, not seeing results, and it's getting frustrated right? Don't you want something to show for all that sweat?
Here's some advice that will help you get out of that rut, and bring some purpose to your workouts! Break out of your comfort zone and back each and every workout with intention!
"What are you gonna do today?"
"I think I'm just gonna do what I always do, maybe some cardio on the elliptical or treadmill and then abs, I don't know?"
Walking into a gym can be intimidating. There's lots of equipment, machines, gadgets, guys grunting, that can make your experience overwhelming. But this is no excuse to bee line it to the nearest elliptical, pop on your headphones and zone out for an hour on a few episode of Friends. Sure there's a few benefits to zoning out on cardio, it's a good stress reliever, great for a recovery workout, it lifts your spirits, and it's good for those who are just starting off. But most of us go to the gym for more... at least that's what I'm told when people come up to me asking questions and saying things like:
"How can I lose my belly?"
"I want to do 10 pushups from my toes, but I'm too weak to do even one!"
"I want to lose this last 10 lbs, but I just can't!"
"How can firm my butt?"
"I want to do a pull up!"
"I workout for an hour a day, why aren't I seeing results?"
"I'm trying to improve my 5k time from last year, what should I do?"
"How do you get a six pack?"
"I just had surgery on my knee, how can I get my strength back?"
Ask yourself, why do you workout? What is your purpose and intention when you come to the gym?
Here's my answer. I workout because it makes me feel better, I like to feel challenged. I love putting my body to the test, and pushing farther than I thought I could go. I like to feel and look fit, healthy and in shape. I like to feel like I'm getting stronger, faster, more flexible. I could go on and on... but you get the picture. We all have our reasons of why we exercise and workout, the point I'm trying to get to is that you must bring that purpose and intent with you to the gym, to every workout!
Before I head out to do my workout, I set aside a few minutes to think about the intention of my workout that day. If it's a strength day, I have my workout either printed out, written down or on my phone....
If it's one of my running days, I have my speed work planned, or my mileage/time goal set. If I'm trying to get in my cardio and strength at the gym, I have a HIIT, Tabata etc workout planned and mapped out. If it's a recovery workout, I decide on a light to moderate workout, and make time for stretching and using the foam roller, or doing some Yoga. My point is.... don't waste your time aimlessly when you get to the gym!
Have your game plan ready before you get to the gym!
What if you don't even know where to start in the first place? You've been doing the same thing for months, not seeing results, and it's getting frustrated right? Don't you want something to show for all that sweat?
Here's some advice that will help you get out of that rut, and bring some purpose to your workouts! Break out of your comfort zone and back each and every workout with intention!
- Try taking new classes! Group exercise classes are a great way to break out of your routine. Being in a group dynamic pushes you, and it's a great opportunity to learn new exercises that you can incorporate in your own workouts. If you want to improve your cardio endurance, try a Spin Class. If you want to strengthen your core, do an Ab class or Yoga class. If you want to tone up and lean out, try a strength training class. If you are looking to step it up to the next level, try boot camp or Cross fit. There's so many classes out there now, there's sure to be one you find that suits your style and goals.
- Hire a personal trainer to teach you how to safely work out efficiently and effectively. Most trainers will be more than happy to put you on a weekly routine, push you, and monitor your progress.
- Use an application like NTC for your smartphone, which guides you through simple, yet challenging workouts. http://www.nike.com/nikewomen/features/ntc?locale=en_HK
- Create a specific goal and train specifically for it. For example, if you are training for a half marathon, use a mapped out training guide such as Hal Higdon's plan and follow it... http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51131/Half-Marathon-Novice-1-Training-Program
- If you plan on running on the treadmill, incorporate hills, sprints, interval training instead of doing the same level and same pace day in and day out.
- If you want to lose weight and lean out, then try HIIT, Tabata or Circuit training workout that maximize your time, burns calories, and build lean muscle.
Bringing purpose and intent to your workout will benefit you by maximizing your time, having a game plan will keep you focused on your goals, and you will reap the rewards of training effectively.
So, the next time you go to the gym or prepare for a workout, think about what you intend to accomplish that day or even that week for that matter.Write down your workout and game plan for the week, and then execute each day! Mapping out your week, and daily workouts will keep you on point, help you manage your time and help you get to your next level of fitness!
Good luck!
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