Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Warm Up Exercises- stretching the Psoas Major

The warm up is extremely important to do before you workout to prevent injuries,  get your muscles loose, the blood pumping,  and prepare you mentally and physically for your workout. A normal warmup is usually 5-10 minutes, should not feel strenuous, and gets your adrenaline pumping ready to work hard. 

Below is a video with some great examples  of dynamic warmup exercises.

I always make sure to stretch my Psoas muscle aka the hip flexors as part of my warm up. I incorporate the  Samson stretch as part of my warm up routine to hit the Psoas Major. The Samson Stretch is similar to what I'm doing in the photo below except my arms would be raised up overhead, reaching up towards the sky with my fingertips laced and palms up.

"It’s important to stretch the Psoas, because it is the muscle that is chronically shortened if you have a job or hobby where you sit all day.  That constant state of muscle contraction will reset the default length of the muscle fibers to hold in that position until you do something about it.  If you don’t stretch it, it will cause you to hunch over, maybe make the curve in your low back become sway-back.  This altered posture will also cause you to eventually experience back pain."

Example of Samson Stretch  

Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's time again!

Yesterday I started my training for the Portland Rock n' Roll Half Marathon in May! I can't believe it's been nearly 5 months since I ran the Chicago Marathon! I'm ready to start running again, but I'm really happy about the fact that I'll be training for a half instead of a full!

I ran at Mt. Tabor park  yesterday. It's one of my favorite places to run in Portland. I love all the trails, steep hills and stairs! It's the best place I've ever found for running stairs... it's such a killer workout.

This time around training, I'm hoping to get more speed work in. I didn't do any speed work for the last race, and I felt like I only had one gear. Yesterday I did some hill sprints and ran sets of stairs, it felt great, and I enjoyed the variety.  I'll only be running twice a week, due to all the classes that I teach so I avoid over training. So one long run, and one day of speed work per week. 

12 more weeks to go!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Training towards your ideal body when working with a trainer

Everybody has individual goals, tastes and desires. Being a trainer means you really have to listen to what your client's goals are. Some clients want to get faster, build muscle, lose weight, improve flexibility.....  it varies immensely from person to person. We also have different ideas of what our desired body shape is. Some people like a lean look, others curvy, some like to be muscular.... it all depends on the person. That's why it's really important to have good communication with your clients and make sure you are on the same page as far as what you are working towards.

Take my case for example. I spent 2 1/2 years training under a crossfit coach. A few of my goals when I started with him were to learn Olympic lifts, learn kippers ( a type of pullup in crossfit) and lean out, I felt like I was too bulky. I told this to my coach.... What I should of done was show him photos of what I wanted to work towards. To my coach, bulky had a different definition.  Muscular didn't mean bulky to my coach, and in hind site,  bulky meant too muscular to me.

So, my coach had me putting on a ton of muscle....  Did I lose fat? Yes I did. But did I look like I wanted to? No, I looked like the incredible hulk!  I naturally put on muscle pretty easy, and yes I was shredded and strong, but it was not my ideal body type. I wanted a leaner and feminine look.

This experience taught me a lot about truly communicating with my clients and specific training towards specific goals. If you want to have a body like a body builder,  well train like one! If you want to have the strength and flexibility of a ballet dancer, train like a dancer...... We can't fight genetics, some of us will never look like skinny fashion models etc, but  by training realistically and specifically we can come closer to achieve the look we want.

So when you hire a trainer, just like when you go to a new hair stylist, you might want to bring a few photos of your desired look. Make sure your trainer really listens to what your goals are and your motivation behind training. If one of your goals is to do an unassisted pull up, are you doing the appropriate exercises that will get you there? If you want to improve your tennis game, are you doing agility drills and exercises to improve explosive rotation? If you want to lose fat, is your trainer pointing out the importance of diet and nutrition? You also want to do your research and see what your trainer's background is in. If they are an experienced marathoner and their main focus is on training endurance athletes, and you want to get into body building, you may not be the right match.  Look at the condition of your trainer..... I know that someone may have all the knowledge in the world, but it's not a good sign if their job is to motivate and teach you, and they are not practicing what they preach.  If your trainer looks out of shape, don't hire them. Training with a personal trainer shouldn't be all about looks,  it's also about learning to train smartly, safely and improving your health.... but I  can't lie, it's also about getting the body you want.   There's nothing wrong with trying to improve your physique, it boosts your confidence and self esteem and the way others perceive you.



                                                        This was my idea of leaning out:

The photo below was my version of bulky and my trainers idea of what lean was.

Everyone has different interpretations. 

If you want to look like you lift heavy weights, then lift heavy weights!

If you want to look like a long distance runner, train like one. If you want to look like a Sprinter, train like a Sprinter.

If you like the lean look of a dancer or the look of someone who practices Yoga, well train accordingly.

If you want to look like a  beast! Train like Arnold.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Do or Do not Do! Music and Fitness

I've been meaning to write about how important and motivating music can be for your workout. Music that moves you  has the potential to push you to work harder, to run that extra mile,  make your workout more enjoyable.

This is a song by  M1 of Dead Prez that I like to warm up to. The song sets the tone of my workout, gets me focused,  makes me think about my goals and intentions. I'll be posting soon about the science behind exercise and music... but for now here's "5 Elements".

Yeah, gotta get that thing up, you know?
Bruce Lee say, “Do or do not do”
Like that… you know… gotta get some discipline
Stop smoking so much weed, some of these bad habits I got
You know, on the wall at Warrior Studios, it’s like here it’s posted up, you Know
These 5 elements… rock it with me, yo I said

I said, Do, or do not do
Do, or do not do
Do, or do not do
These are the 5 elements, now it’s up to you

50 in the clip, can’t let my fitness slip
RBG for life, these are the 5 elements.
50 in the clip, can’t let my fitness slip
RBG for life, these are the 5 elements.

(verse 1)
50 in the clip, can’t let my fitness slip
The first element is “power”, 10 on the fist
The second element represents “inner strength”
Symbolized by a 10 clip on the fingertips
The third element is “justice”
And it’s symbolized by a 10 clip on the wrist
The fourth element is “wealth”
The hands connect in the shape of a diamond, you do 10 reps
The fifth element is “support”
Symbolized by a 10 clip done with my palms on the floor
“Power” is realizing your strength
“Inner Strength”, controlling yourself
“Justice”, principles, protocols and codes
And rules and regulations we all should know
And “Wealth”, we gotta boss up, economic values,
I have “Support”, you for me, and me for you

I do this for my comrades, I do this for my people
I do this to stay on point for everything that we do
I do six sets of sit-ups, a six-pack
to counteract, the six of Heiny's I threw back
I go out like a 12-round knockout, takin the title bout
Keeping it tone like Roy Jones
Came up like a sit-up, or that Henny I spit up
On my fight, I'm not a punk or a quitter, nigga so get up
And keep your nails clipped so you can bust them in the lip
Keep your pants on your waist, so you can kick them in the face
Keep your shoes laced, so you can beat them in the chase
Can't afford to slip, it's no restrictions...

Eating Clean....

Lately I've had a few clients ask me what "Eating Clean" means. Remember this rule, "If man made it, don't eat it."  Focus on eating fresh and unprocessed foods. Try to get your food from local sources and organic if it's in your budget. It might take a little bit more time to prepare your foods, it's so simple popping a frozen burrito in the microwave, but it will be worth the time in the long run. Clean eating is not a fad-diet. Clean eating is a lifestyle and not a quick fix to lose weight. If you are putting in hours at the gym and hitting your workout outs hard, you can blow all that time and energy by following a poor diet. Eating clean will allow that hard work to pay off! 

  (Of course we aren't gonna be perfect, and it's good to enjoy the foods we love, but keep it moderation and try to eat as clean as possible. It's perfectly fine to indulge every once in a while. I like tho follow the 80/20 rule. I eat clean 80 percent of the time, and enjoy a few drinks or some nachos on the weekend, hey we only live once!) 

Here are some example of clean foods the next time you get your groceries:

Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are staples of a clean diet. Dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach are good clean diet foods. In "The Eat-Clean Diet," author Tosca Reno recommends artichokes, broccoli, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, green beans, and leeks, among others. She also says blueberries are a superfood, but all berries are very good for you. Other clean diet fruits are apples, cherries, figs, peaches, apricots and watermelon.

Basically, any fresh fruits or vegetables are clean diet foods. Try to eat them clean, which means without any added sauces. Spices and olive oil can help make them more tasty. Frozen vegetables are clean diet foods, as long as they are just the vegetables, without any added sauces or preservatives.

Whole Grains

Whole grains belong on any clean diet food list. Whole grains are complex carbohydrates, which are broken down by your body slowly over time. They help keep you full longer, too. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, good sources of whole grains are bulgur, brown rice and plain oatmeal.

Another example of a clean diet food is quinoa, a whole grain used by the Incas. It has a nutty taste and can be found in health-food stores or in the health-food aisle at your local grocery store.


Most plant protein sources are clean diet foods. These include most beans and legumes including lentils, soybeans, kidney beans, chickpeas and black beans.

Other sources of clean diet protein are lean chicken breast, lean ground turkey, eggs, lean red meat and wild-caught salmon.

Nuts and seeds are also clean diet foods. Consume them raw or roasted without any added salt or sugar. Nut butters such as all-natural peanut butter and almond butter are also good sources.

Lowfat dairy products such as plain Greek yogurt and low-fat milk are also clean diet foods. Other examples are soy milk, rice milk and almond milk.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/214599-list-of-clean-diet-foods/#ixzz1maNF1Uwe

So why would a person want to try Clean Eating? There are a number of proven benefits to Clean Eating:
  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased lean tissue (muscle)
  • Improved energy
  • General improvements in overall health and immunity
  • Decreased risk of certain types of diseases like diabetes, stroke, heart disease and cancers
  • Less consumption of pesticides, artificial food additives and preservatives, sodium and sugar
  • Less impact on the environment, since Eating Clean is also Eating Green; the foods you preference in a Clean Eating diet are minimally processed, and thus use less energy and produce less waste than highly-processed foods
  • Less expensive. Contrary to what you might believe, Clean Eating is actually more cost-effective and less expensive than eating pre-packaged food or fast food. For instance, for the price of a Super-Sized Big Mac Meal Deal, you could prepare an entire pot of healthy soup that would make more than a half dozen meals that are healthier, more satisfying and more nutritionally-dense.
  • Sustainable. Unlike fad diets, Clean Eating is a holistic approach to eating that a person can practice for their entire life. You don’t “go on” a Clean Eating diet — you’re always clean eating.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Learning to Love Yoga and Embracing our Weaknesses

This past month, I've finally begun the journey of one of my life long goals,  learning to enjoy yoga. I've taken yoga classes off and on for the past ten years.... on average of about twice a year. I was never able to be consistent with it,  I didn't feel like it was worth my time compared to other athletic endeavors I wanted to pursue. I also had a terrible time focusing, slowing down and felt kinda silly and awkward in the classes that were really "spiritual". I sort of always knew in the back of my mind, I'd know when the time was right for Yoga. Maybe  I needed to mature? Become a bit more centered? It's taken some time, but I'm ready to slow down and embrace Yoga and incorporate it in my weekly routine.

I'm not sure why I feel like I'm clicking now with Yoga. It might be that over the past  few years my workouts have been very body weight focused, and many exercises I'm doing demand full range of motion, which has improved my flexibility tremendously. I like feeling limber and lean, and not stiff and bulky, which I've  experienced as a result of heavy lifting and crossfit type workouts I did in the past. I also think I was missing something in my life that was relaxing. I've definitely slowed down over the years, if you know me personally, I'm a  "Go Go" type of person. I have type A tendencies, and have to feel like I'm productive and doing something all the time. I can be a workaholic, and I'm always thinking of how I can make things better, improve,  and keep moving forward. I don't slow down to enjoy the now, and what's going on in the present.

Yoga demands you to slow down, breath and really become aware of your body, and keeping your mind quiet. This is hard for me, but I have to take my own advice that I always say in my classes. "When something is hard or your dislike it, it's usually your weakness. Work on your weaknesses!"

  Flexibility has never been a strength of mine and I definitely needed to work on worrying so much about the future. I needed to take a few steps back, and enjoy what's going on around me right now, instead of worrying about what's next. Yoga is helping me find a bit more calmness in my life, which is something very new to me. Yoga is also improving my posture, balance and flexibility, which carries over to my current workouts.

It's important for us to look at our weaknesses head on, and make an honest attempt to conquer them. It can be scary, it can be frustrating and challenging.... but that will only make us stronger and well rounded.  With every yoga class, I feel more comfortable in poses, I feel the breathing becoming easier, and I feel like it's a little easier to quiet my mind. I'm still struggling with not filling every breathing moment with something productive, and realizing it's important to stop and smell the roses every so often.

This yoga experience had made me think about other weaknesses in my life. Looking at them head on, can be daunting, but that's the hardest part. Admitting our weaknesses, addressing them, and attempting to improve on them can only help us become better human beings.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 minute Workout! Ready, Set, Go!!

This is a perfect workout for anyone with an extremely tight schedule. You know those days, when almost every second is occupied, and you hardly have a chance to breath? You can squeeze this simple 10 minute workout into a busy day, do it anywhere, and feel good that you did something. This workout is intense, will keep your heart rate up, and work every muscle in your body,  challenging your core, upper  and lower body. The heavier the dumbbells the more intense you can make it. The key to this workout is:   YOU CAN'T HALF ASS IT! WORK HARD THE ENTIRE 10 MINUTES, PUSH YOUR SELF AND MAKE IT COUNT. Remember your time is precious, and if you are short on time, you've got to put in maximum effort on this one.

What you need:

Challenging pair of dumbbells, a timer, and a jump rope is optional.

Set your timer for 10 rounds

50 seconds work
10 seconds rest

Warm up a few minutes ( even if you are really busy- do some jumping jacks, jump rope etc to loosen up)

1. 50 seconds Man Maker combination:  Squat thrust, press up,  2 rows, biceps curl, shoulder press, Squat.... repeat for 50 seconds.

10 sec rest

2. 50 seconds High Knees or High knees rope skipping

10 sec rest

Repeat this 5 times for a total of 10 minutes. 

Do a quick cool down,  shower and you are off to seize the day!

See video below for the breakdown of the workout.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How's your progress?

I just got word one of my clients reached her goal weight today. I'm extremely proud of her, and really excited to see her work so hard and attain what she set out to achieve. Seeing results and hard work pay off, is very rewarding, and keeps the motivation and momentum going. What's so amazing and addicting to pursuing your fitness and health goals, is that there is always room for improvement. You can try out new classes or sports, work on improving your strength or endurance, focus on flexibility, fine tune your diet..... the possibilities and the potential our bodies have is limitless. The human body is truly amazing when you set your mind to doing something. Once you hit a goal, set up another... don't lose that drive and aggressive hunger to improve!

 It's about a month into New Years goals and resolutions. Time to check in  and be honest about your path so far. If you aren't where you want to be yet, don't beat yourself up. Look at what you can do better, remember even small changes and efforts are better than nothing. Ultimately it doesn't matter how much you spend on a trainer, fancy shoes or gym memberships- the change and improvements are gonna come within, remember:


I had a really fun photo shoot this weekend with Christy Chaloux


Check out her photography, it's amazing. I can't wait to see how the photos  turn out. I'll be using them for my new website.