Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's time again!

Yesterday I started my training for the Portland Rock n' Roll Half Marathon in May! I can't believe it's been nearly 5 months since I ran the Chicago Marathon! I'm ready to start running again, but I'm really happy about the fact that I'll be training for a half instead of a full!

I ran at Mt. Tabor park  yesterday. It's one of my favorite places to run in Portland. I love all the trails, steep hills and stairs! It's the best place I've ever found for running stairs... it's such a killer workout.

This time around training, I'm hoping to get more speed work in. I didn't do any speed work for the last race, and I felt like I only had one gear. Yesterday I did some hill sprints and ran sets of stairs, it felt great, and I enjoyed the variety.  I'll only be running twice a week, due to all the classes that I teach so I avoid over training. So one long run, and one day of speed work per week. 

12 more weeks to go!!

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