Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No HOlds Bar, Full Body Hour Workout

No need for cardio with this workout, your heart will be pounding, the sweat dripping, and your muscles are gonna get worked. I had a few requests to post this one, so here we go! Do each exercise for one minute, take 20 seconds rest between exercise.  See video below for exercise demos.

Equipment:  mat, timer and dumb bells

Set your timer to 18 rounds,  1:00 work  and 20 seconds rest

Warm up 5-10 minutes

1. Curtsey Lunge Right Leg  weights on shoulders or overhead to make it tougher
2. Curtsey Lunge Left Leg  weights on shoulders or overhead to make it tougher

3. High Knees punches with dumb bells
4. Diamond pushup/ Traditional pushup combo

5. Reverse Squat with dumb bell press
6. Wind shield wipers- touch toes to fingertips

7. Low Jacks with dumbbells ( stay low)
8. Speed Skaters

9. Monkey Pushup ( pike press) with tuck jump
10. Renegade rows with oblique crunch (knee to opposite shoulder)

11. Reverse Lunge Rt. Kick with dumbbells  or keep dumbbells overhead to make it tougher
12. Reverse Lunge Left Kick with dumbbells or keep dumbbells overhead to make it tougher

13. Single arm burpee   with dumbbell press  right
14. Single arm burpee with dumbbells press left

15. Reverse Bridge kick ups or lower and lift alternating legs
16. Dumbbell fly with reverse straight leg lift

17. Glute bridge overhand reach (keep those hips up, glutes contracted the whole minute)
18. Stationary Squat with biceps curl   switch arms half way through interval


Cool Down and Stretch

this should take an hour or less to complete with warm up and cool down included.

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