Saturday, June 2, 2012

Feel those Legs and Lungs Burn!

So this was my workout of the day. My goal was to get a quick, intense workout that blasted calories and focused on my lower body.  This is one of my favorite workouts right now! Try it if you dare!

Equipment: timer, jump rope, medicine ball or dumbbell

Set your timer for 6 rounds,   50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest:

Skip rope high knees 

Sprinter jumps right   ( get in sprinter stance with right foot in front- left leg back- push off right heel and jump up in air,  land back in sprinter stance)

Sprinter jumps left  ( get in sprinter stance with left foot in front- right leg back- push off right heel and jump up in air,  land back in sprinter stance)

Sit up to Squat (hold a medicine ball or dumbbell,   do a sit up with feet in squat stance, push off heels and squat up)

Speed skaters

Skip rope  high knees

Sprint around block


Skip rope high knees

Star jumps   lower and hug knees jump up into a jumping jack- land back in starting position

Half burpees  no pushup - come up to chair position, hold a count and go back into burpee

Broad jump tuck jump jump forward as far as you can, tuck jump, jump backwards as far as you can, tuck jump

Single leg squat 30 sec each leg

Skip rope high knees

Sprint around the block


Repeat once more for a total of 4 rounds! This workout should take you about 30-35 minutes to complete, depending on how big  the block you are sprinting around is!

This will get your legs and lungs burning! 

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