Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Workout of the Day!

Here is the breakdown of the short, intense 30 minute HIIT workout that I'm about to do today. It's pretty simple, you can do this one at the gym, home or on the road. You need a  timer, jump rope,  and either a stair, bench or ball. The workout is composed of six,  five minute intervals with one minute of rest between. I will post a video of the workout.... but for now, here is the break down.

Make sure you are properly warmed up before you begin, 5-10 minute of light jogging, cycling, etc.

1.  2 minutes skipping rope ( high knees to make it harder)  
     2 minutes burpees (with or without a pushup)
     1 minute bench/ball/stair taps
(no rest between exercises)

rest one minute

2.  3 minutes skipping rope (high knees to make it harder)
     1 minute mountain climbers
     1 minute squat jumps
(no rest between exercises)

3.  2 minutes skipping rope ( high knees to make it harder)     
     2 minutes burpees  (with or without a pushup)
     1 minute bench/ball/stair taps
(no rest between exercises)

rest one minute

4.  3 minutes skipping rope (high knees to make it harder)
     1 minute mountain climbers
     1 minute squat jumps
(no rest between exercises)

5.  2 minutes skipping rope ( high knees to make it harder)     
     2 minutes burpees  (with or without a pushup)
     1 minute bench/ball/stair taps
(no rest between exercises)

rest one minute

6.  3 minutes skipping rope (high knees to make it harder)
     1 minute mountain climbers
     1 minute squat jumps
(no rest between exercises)

Cool Down and Stretch

You should feel pretty gassed out after this workout. That's the point! These short, intense workouts are just what you need to break out of your fitness plateau! Instead of suffering through 60 or more minutes of mundane, boring cardio... you've  hammered it out in 30 minutes- and you are dripping wet with sweat, boosting your metabolism and ramping up your fitness level! I use a free app on my iphone called round timer for my workouts, or you can use a stop watch or clock to time your intervals and rest. Go ahead, try it, let me know how it went!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Get your Ass off the Elliptical

The next few times you go to the gym, make a few observations.  Notice that the cardio equipment is busier than the weight room area? Yes!   Notice usually, the elliptical machines are the most popular? Yes! Now look at who's in the weight room, or on the treadmill running at a decent pace?   Wow they look pretty fit (usually)!  Why aren't very many people running intervals, getting their squats in, or doing their burpees? BECAUSE THOSE ACTIVITIES AREN'T EASY!

Now pay attention to the physique's of who is in the weight room or running on treadmills compared to the busy elliptical machines.....  Are the fittest gym members on the elliptical machines?  Usually not the case! Why are so many people in love with the elliptical? BECAUSE IT'S EASY! 

My question to you is, why spend 30-60 minutes of comfortable cardio when you aren't getting the results you want?  Why not spend that 30-60 minutes, hell even 15-30 minutes, and do something that will give you results?

"The elliptical machine is sneaky, and it fools us three ways. First, you can get your heart rate up really high and easily. Second, you can get a big sweat on. And third, the machine tells you that you have burned an awful lot of calories (even though the calorie counter is likely inaccurate, as was shown on a CBS news report).

So why doesn't the elliptical work? Because you just don't do as much mechanical work as you do when you run or cycle. Basically, it's just easier and less effective. Getting your heart rate up is not the key determinant of fat loss.

Your body is a well programmed machine. It's 'wired' to increase heart rate and breathing as soon as it senses motion (that's why you start to breathe heavily after taking a single flight of stairs - it's not just because you are unfit).

The key factor in fat loss is the amount of work done. Until you learn to separate the influence of the two, you won't be using intervals in the best possible manner.

As fat loss expert Alwyn Cosgrove explains, "The problem is not the elliptical itself -- it's just that it tends to allow/promote momentum (as most people have the resistance too low) from bodyweight alone. So unless you crank up the resistance and actually produce some force and/or MOVE your bodyweight - it's nothing but momentum. So if you're not actively using your muscles to produce some sort of force you aren't burning many calories.".......
But even then, I still don't think using a high resistance level on the ellliptical will get you the results you are looking for. Yet despite their ineffectiveness, elliptical machines and the like remain a popular training method. But that's only due to the human condition - like flowing water, we seek the path of least resistance. We'll will do anything to get around obstacles rather than doing the real work required to overcome the obstacles. Given the choice, humans always go with the easiest option......Training in your comfort zone is useless. Your metabolic rate will increase when your body is forced to change. The harder and smarter you train, the greater your increase in metabolic rate." ( *Craig Ballantyne) 

To make wiser and more efficient use of your cardio conditioning  try jumping rope, running, sprinting, cycling, spinning .... but remember keep your body guessing. You body is smart and adapts quickly- you have to constantly be switching up your routine.  HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training) is key for fat loss and to actually see CHANGE. By adding short periods of high intensity exercise to your workouts, you will burn more fat, ramp up your fitness level, with the bonus of shorter workouts. 

Along with your HIIT workouts, it's important to build lean muscle mass by doing strength training twice a week. The best way to ramp up your metabolism for the long haul is to build lean muscle mass. Muscle will always need to burn more and more calories even if you are just sitting down. The more muscle you have, the more you burn. 

In future blog entries I will provide workouts using the HIIT principle..... and in the mean time, stay off that darn elliptical!!!!!

If you are extremely over weight, or have any kind of heart condition, DO NOT DO HIIT. Also, if in doubt, consult your doctor first. HIIT workouts are not easy. Just be warned that it will be very tough if done correctly. 

I do believe there are some cases the elliptical can be beneficial. For overweight and for  low fitness levels, the elliptical is a comfortable and low-impact exercise. It is also beneficial for those suffering from injury and can't perform high-impact exercise. 

*Craig Ballantyne is a fitness expert and regular contributor to Men's Health and Women's Health magazines, and is on the advisory board for Oxygen Magazine. Craig's trademarked fat burning workouts, help men and women lose fat fast in the comfort of their own homes. Learn more at http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

A great article to check out!

I wanted to post an article my friend shared with me. It's highly informative, I recommend you read it! There were a few surprising foods mentioned.
"Grocery stores may sell them, but experts won't touch them; what you should know about your food."
Here's the link: http://www.wakeup-world.com/2011/10/06/7-foods-experts-wont-eat/

If you click on the title of this blog entry- it will take you right to the article! Let me know if there were any surprises for you too!

Have a great Turkey Day, don't forget an average Thanksgiving Dinner is around 4,500 calories!!!!